Career Pathways Center
SBLC’s Career Pathways Center, operated by the career counselor, is designed to prepare enrolled SBLC learners for all the opportunities that are available to them once they obtain their high school diploma.
Learners work with the counselor to create a plan that will guide them on a career path that encompasses their skills, talents, and interests. Next steps include:
- determining interests and skills
- completing a skills and interest inventory
- choosing the best course of action to achieving goals.
Additionally, the career counselor assists learners with locating and utilizing financial resources for post-secondary education programs. Learners also have the opportunity to acquire soft-skills, such as resume writing, interviewing and networking, that will prepare them for the future.
The Center, located on the 2nd floor, provides announcements information regarding:
- Job Fairs
- Employability and College Readiness Workshops
- Career Mentoring Opportunities
- Job Notices
- Online Application Assistance